29 January 2009

Bumper Stickers: Some Thoughts

I've always found some truth in the quote that claims bumper stickers represent both the highest and lowest aspects of American culture. I cannot recall who said it, and I'm too lazy to open a new tab and Google it, but it rang true while I was running today. Downtown St. Augustine does have its fair share of lefties and assorted political regressives. Most have a bumper sticker or two, or in the case today, twenty-seven. Being curious, I stopped to check'em out while running one day. The irony in liberal ideology is truly delicious. While some of the stickers decry Western religion, Christianity, and the church as repressive, backward, and superstitious, other stickers (on the same bumper mind you) exalt "mother earth" and claim "god is nature." What in the name of Gaia are people thinking? Historic, orthodox Christian theology (particularly in the magisterial reformed vein) is the most advanced and mentally engaging form of religion; "Christianity in full bloom," I've heard said. Where such beliefs take root, virtue, science, community, and liberty all flourish. Where such beliefs are cast aside, immortality, irrationality, and tyranny are soon to follow. For a historical example, take the French Revolution. Rather than acknowledging that Divine Providence is the fount of man's reason and liberty as the Americans had, the Jacobins claimed that man's reason WAS divine. The result: heads rolled and terror reigned.

Now, let’s go back to the bumper. Another was Einstein's oft-quoted phrase "Imagination is more important than knowledge." Now, I think this phrase is taken out of context and misunderstood by many. I don't think old Albert was calling imagination more real or reliable than scientific fact. In the quote, knowledge is more properly understood as information; facts that can be catalogued and looked up when needed. Examples include lists, statistics, measurements, dates, and the like. In other words, Einstein was saying that the ability to think abstractly was superior to having the ability to rattle off every president or every Super Bowl champion in chronological order. As a repository of useless knowledge myself, I gracefully accept Einstein's critique. I don't believe that if a liberal thinker can conceive of a socialist utopia whose very existence would require the very suspension of human nature that such an "imagined" idea is "more important than knowledge" or superior to objective reality.

One last point to tie everything together: let's assume that Einstein's quote is to be taken literally. Knowledge is inferior to imagination and should be subject to it. Imagination is important because it can change society for the better. Isn't that the goal of every liberal? Tear it all down, man, and rebuild a brave new world? After all, we’re just one big “human family”!* Then, if liberals hold to such a view, why do they decry religion? By liberals’ own assertions, shouldn't religion be superior to scientific reality in their eyes since religious belief is "all made up"? If imagination is more important than knowledge, and religion is all imagined, then religion is more important than knowledge.

Now, to close, I'll admit that we conservatives have our fair share of winners. One that springs to mind is the sage "I believe in the Big Bang Theory...God said it and BANG!, it Happened." It is little wonder that creationism and intelligent design aren’t gaining ground given the number of minivans brandishing this message about town. Another is the perennial favorite "If 10% is good enough for God, then it’s good enough for the government." I admire the intent, but I’ll read Milton Friedman for economic advice rather than take this tidbit to heart while waiting in line at a drive-thru.
Here’s one we can all get behind: Keep on trucking! Or, for liberals, keep on hybriding! I welcome anyone else with any pet bumper sticker slogans, political or otherwise to share them in a comment.

* Yeah, tell that to the jihadists who would slice our infants’ throats if they got the chance. Of course, liberals support such behavior, so long as it’s a woman’s choice to do it. Don’t tell Al Qaeda, but if they want to win the war on terror, they just need to tell liberals that they are blowing up their victims for the health of the mother. The only response the Democrats could muster would be “how much public funding do you need”?

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